Ghost Division
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:32 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
The Art of War
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55 KB
Fast as the wind the in-va-sion has be-gun
Sha-king the ground with a force of thou-sand guns
First in the line of fi-re
First in a hos-tile land
Tanks lea-ding the way
Lea-ding the way!
Char-ging the lines with the force of a fu-ri-ous storm
Fast as the light-ning phan-tom's swarm
Two hun-dred miles at night-fall
ta-ken with-in a day,
thus ear-ning their name
ear-ning their fame
They are the Pan-zer E-lite
bound to com-pete
ne-ver re-treat!
Li-ving or dead
al-ways a-head
fed by your dread!
Al-ways ah-ead as the Blitz-krieg ra-ges on
brea-king mo-rale with the sound of bla-zing guns
First in the line of fi-re
First in a hos-tile land
Tanks lea-ding the way
Lea-ding the way!
Lea-ving a trail of de-struc-tion through a fo- reign land
mas-sive as-sault to ser-ve the Na-zi plan
Com-mu-ni-ca-tion's bro-ken
Pan-zers are far a-way,
thus ear-ning their name
ear-ning their fame
They are the Pan-zer E-lite
bound to com-pete
ne-ver re-treat!
Li-ving or dead
al-ways a-head
fed by your dread!
Pus-hing the front-line forth with a tre-men-dous force
Cru-shing the way for Pan-zer Corps
First in the line of fi-re
First in a hos-tile land
Tanks lea-ding the way
Clai-ming the fame
They are the Pan-zer E-lite
bound to com-pete
ne-ver re-treat!
Li-ving or dead
al-ways a-head
fed by your dread!
Pan-zer E-lite
bound to com-pete
ne-ver re-treat!
Li-ving or dead
al-ways a-head
fed by your dread!
Yes, I am aware of the fact that Sabaton's got two
guitarists. However, they both play exactly the same
tabs in this song, and I didn't bother to copypaste.