Birth Pains Of Astral Projection

by maudlin of the Well

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:56 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

maudlin of the Well

Tabbed by



1st → Keyboards 1 and Vocals
2nd → Keyboards 2
3rd → Guitar 1
4th → Bass
5th → Guitar 2
6th → Guitar 3
7th → Track 6
8th → Drums

File Size

140 KB




I'd ne-ver been washed a-shore Or seen the dro-ll night be-fore My bo-dy va-n-ished I ho-vered in the con-course Of the court of th-ou-sands Of ye-llow as-pho-del It hurts re-mem-ber-ing The fra-grance of Hea-ven We lived in the ro-w-ans, a-void-ing mad wa-ter. Spoil-ing the chi-ld-ren with tea and mush-rooms. Ea-rly in the au-tu-mn as we slept by the o-ven, Some-one sent a sh-a-pe who tore the house a-p-art. Our bond was sha-ttered, I was drawn a-way. I was caught pray-ing in the shade. Re-cent-ly, I went back to my door And bre-e-e-e-eathed... It was love fil-tered Through yel-low par-a-ffin We pushed with all our mi-ght For you


Corrections from a.chil42 at 3:06, 3:15 and 4:35