Into the Void
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:48 p.m.
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Tribute to Influences
Song Author
Iommi / Butler / Ward / Osbourne
File Size
152 KB
[Verse 1]
Roc-ket en-gines bur-ning fu el so fast
Up in-to the night sky they blast
Through the u-ni-verse the en- gines whine
Could it be the end of man and time
Back on Earth the flame of life burns low
Eve-ry-where is mi-se-ry and woe
Pol-lu-tion kills the air, the land and sea
Man pre-pares to meet his des-ti-ny.
[Verse 2]
Roc-ket en-gines bur-ning fu el so fast
Up in-to the black sky so vast
Bur-ning me-tal through the at- mos-phere
Earth re-mains in wor-ry, hate and fear
With the hate-ful bat-tles ra- ging on
Roc-kets fly-ing to the glo-wing sun
Through the em-pires of e-ter- nal void
Free-dom from the fin-al su-i-cide.
[Verse 3]
Free-dom figh-ters sent out to the sun
Es-cape from brain-washed minds and pol-lu-tion.
Leave the earth to all its sin and hate
Find a-no-ther world where free-dom waits
[Verse 4]
Past the stars in fields of an- cient void
Through the shields of dark-ness where they find
Love up-on a land a world un-known
Where the sons of free-dom make their home.
Leave the earth to Sa-tan and his slaves
Leave them to their fu-ture in their graves
Make a home where love is there to stay
Peace and hap-pi-ness in e-very day.
This song is a tribute to Black Sabbath's first ever (in
my opinion), true metal-sounded song, "Into The
The intro is called Black Masquerade..