
by Warning

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:09 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Watching From a Distance

Song Author


Tabbed by

Paddy McMullan []


1st → Guitar 1 (Distortion)
2nd → Lead Fills (Distortion)
3rd → Guitar 2 (Distortion)
4th → Bass
5th → Vocals
6th → Drums

File Size

48 KB




In the dark-ness I un-ra-v-el New tru-ths I have suff-er-ed For s-o long to em-brace They will change me from here o -n But I can't share it with an-y-one I wish you were with me t-o-night When I am not a-lo-n-e I sev-er sil-ent m-o-ments Build-ing bridg-es with mean-ing-less words and On-ly fe-el the dis-tance fur-th-er Re-mem-ber being hap-py in our s-il-ence I wish that you were with me t-o-night I don't need a reas-on there's no-thing to ex-plain I can't re-proach your leav-ing to jus-ti-fy my pain But can I real-ly un-der-st-a-nd? I wish you were with me t-o-night I read ov-er all you wro-te me The words mean so much more these day They ech-o in my soul They sting me like a bug Can so-me-one feel too much? I wish you were he-re with me t-o-night Ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah


This tab was created using the following software: Guitar Pro 5.2 Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3 This tab has NOT been optimised to be played back with RSE - if you use RSE you may need to tweak the volume levels etc. to suit your own software/taste. Update History: =========================================== ----------------------------- [ 26th June 2009 ] ----------------------------- * Tab completed ----------------------------- [ 27th June 2009 ] ----------------------------- * Removed unecessary tied notes from bass track in Section 1 * Added missing marker (Section 9) ----------------------------- [ 28th June 2009 ] ----------------------------- * Removed unecessary tied note from bar 2 of the bass track * Added missing lyrics to the end of the vocal track ------------------------- [ 6th July 2009 ] ------------------------- * Corrected bug in vocal track (transposed the notes elsewhere to circumvent the choking problem) * Hid the tablature view for the vocal track ===========================================