
by Tool

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:13 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



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Tabbed by



1st → Vocals 1
2nd → Keyboard 1
3rd → Vocals 2
4th → Ambient Bells
5th → Keyboard 2
6th → Guitar 22
7th → Guitar 11
8th → Drumsgzeug
9th → Bass

File Size

112 KB




I know, the pie-ces fit, 'cause I watched them fall a-way, Mil-dewed and Smol-de-ring, Fun-da-men-tal Dif-fe- ring. Pure In-ten-tion jux- ta-posed will Set two lo-vers souls in mo-tion Dis-in-te-gra-ting as it goes Tes-ting our Com-mu-ni-ca-tion. Light that fue-led our fire then has Burned a hole be-tween us, so We can-not see to reach an end Cripp-ling our Com-mu-ni-ca-tion. I know the pie-ces fit, 'cause I watched them tum-ble down No fault, none to blame It doe-sn't mean I don't de-si-re, To point the fin-ger blame the o-ther Watch the tem-po tum-ble o-ver to Bring the pie-ces back to-ge-ther re-dis-co-ver Com-mu-ni-ca-tion. There was a time that the pie-ces fit But I watched them fall a-way Mil-dewed and Smol-de-ring Stran-gled by our co-ve-ing I've done the math e-nough to know The dan-gers of a se-cond gues-sing Dommed to crum-ble un-less We go and streng-then our Com-mu-ni-ca-tion. Cold si-lence has A ten-den-cy to A-tro-phy a-ny Sense of com-pas-sion