Seven Nation Army

by The White Stripes

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:19 a.m. ← Back

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I'm gon na fight em' off A se ven na tion ar my couldn't hold me back They're gon na rip it off Ta kin' their time right be hind my back And I'm talk in to my self at night be cause I cant for get Back and forth through my mind be hind a cig ar ette And a mes sage co min' from my eyes says leave it al o ne Dont wanna hear a bout it Ev ery sin gle ones got a st ory to tell Ev ery one knows about it From the Queen of Eng land to the hounds of hell And if I catch you co min back my way I'm gon na serve it to you And that ain't what you want to hear but thats what I'll do And a fee lin' co min' from my bones says find a home Im goin' to Witch i taw Far from this op era for for ev er more Im gon na work the store Make the sweat drip out of ev ery pore And I'm blee din' and I'm blee din' and Im blee din' right be fore my lord All the words are gon na bleed from me, and I will sing no more And the stains co min from my blood, tell me go back home.