Frail and Bedazzled
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:57 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Pisces Iscariot
Song Author
Billy Corgan
File Size
74 KB
Say now lis-ten he-re I wan-na be oh so cl-ear I lost my-se-lf lost I'll st-ay Between your hands and my be-li-efs And here I am Fr-ail Frail and be-dazz-led from all the glare Tug at my sle-eve My litt-le girl Sup-er-mai-d She don't kn-ow that I ha-ve stole my smile from a Ches-hire c-a-t And all I wan-te-d was to be a m-a-n And since I gave u-p I feel fr-ee I feel fr-ee I feel fr-ee I feel fr-ee Two of us less dan-ger-ou-s It's all in-side our heads giving in for no-th-ing le-ss and leav-ing me for him Try to un-der-stan-d the ones I love and their de-man-ds it's so un-fa-ir when they can't se-e that I'm the boy that rea-lly nee-ds their lo-ve I su-ppose Frail and be-dazzl-ed from all the Frail and be-dazzl-ed from all the Frail and be-dazzl-ed from all the glare
The notes on the G-string during the first part of the
song aren't immediately noticable, but if you listen
carefully you can hear them. When you play the riff
with plenty of distortion (as opposed to listening to the
MIDI version) it's obviously much better.
The easiest way to play the main riffs of the song is to
hold the notes on the G-string with your middle finger
and the notes on the D-string with your third finger and
keep those fingers stationary throughout, using your
first and fourth fingers to perfom the pull-offs.
The lyrics for this song where never officially published
and the ones provided by fans are undoubtedtly wrong
in many places, but until I find a better set these ones
will have to do.
This tab was created using the following software:
Guitar Pro 5.2
Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3
This tab has NOT been optimised to be played back
with the RSE - if you use the RSE you may need to
tweak the volume levels etc. to suit your own
Update History:
[ 16th November 2010 ]
* Tab completed