Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:40 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
The Aeroplane Flies High
Song Author
The Smashing Pumpkins
File Size
70 KB
Stay with me I'll set yo-u free 'Cause I can te-ll you once we-re pr-e-tty Rose so sad you've lost you-r p-e-tals And lost the lu-st-er of you-r t-a-ttle t-a-ils I need a love to help me find my way I need a strength that I can-not be-tray I need a word to say what I can't say I need a l-o-v-e-r l-o-v-e-r I need a l-o-v-e-r l-o-v-e-r What are we wait-in-g f-or? What are we wait-ing f-or? Time ha-s lost its ho-ld on m-e Ha-tred sleeps in-side m-y bones In the still-ness of co-ol a-ir All the boys have been left fo-r dead 'cause We go where they fear t-o tr-ead The beau-t-ful ones, the ones w-e'll re-mem-ber The pre-cious ones our grea-test pre-ten-ders I need a love to help me find my way I need a strength that I can-not be-tray I need a word to say what I can't say I need a l-o-v-e-r l-o-v-e-r I need a l-o-v-e-r l-o-v-e-r And if you lose you-r-sel-f Could you take me to-o? Could yo-u rest in-si-de the sle-ep? Stay with me I;ll set yo-u fr-ee from yo-u Stay with me I'll set you free I'll set you fr-ee I need a love
Yes, the main riffs of this song are played on bass, not
guitar :)
The delay/stutter speed on the second guitar is a little
faster than the tempo of the song, but it would take too
much work to recreate it accurately.
It's very difficult to figure out exactly when the changes
take place with this instrument due to the stuttering,
but the notes of each chord are correct (as far as I can
This tab was created using the following software:
Guitar Pro 5.1
Yamaha XG WDM SoftSynthesizer
Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3
This tab has NOT been optimised to be played back
with RSE - if you use RSE you may need to tweak
the volume levels etc. to suit your own software/taste.
Last Update: 17th March 2009