Savoy Truffle

by The Beatles

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:35 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Beatles (1968)

Song Author

George Harrison

Tabbed by



1st → Drums Fills
2nd → Vocals
3rd → Tenor Sax 2
4th → Tenor Sax 1
5th → Electric Grand Piano
6th → Baritone Sax
7th → Electric Guitar Fills
8th → Electric Guitar
9th → Drums
10th → Bass

File Size

63 KB




Creme tan-ger-ine and mon-tel-i-mar, a gin-ger sling with a pine-ap-ple heart, cof-fee des-sert yes, you know it's good news. But you'll have to have them all pulled out af-ter the Sa-voy _ truf-fle. ch kh Cool cher-ry cream (and a) nice ap-ple tart, I feel your taste all the time we're a-part, co-co-nut fudge real-ly blows _ down those blues. uh But you'll have to have them all pulled out af-ter the Sa-voy _ truf-fle. You might not feel it now, but when the pain cuts through you're gon-na know, and how. The sweat is gon-na fill your head, when it be-comes too much you'll shout a-loud. But you'll have to have them all pulled out af-ter the Sa-voy _ truf-fle. You know that what you eat you are, but what is sweet now, turns so sour. We all know ob-la-di-bla-da, but can you show me where you are? Cream tan-ge-rine and mon-tel-i-mar, a gin-ger sling with a pine-ap-ple heart, cof-fee des-sert yes, you know _ it's good news. uh But you'll have to have them all pulled out af-ter the Sa-voy _ truf-fle. Yes, you'll have to have them all pulled out af-ter the Sa-voy _ truf-fle.