The Well and The Light House

by The Arcade Fire

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:38 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Neon Bible (2007)

Song Author

Win Butler

Tabbed by



1st → Track 1
2nd → Track 3
3rd → Track 2
4th → Percussion
5th → Track 5

File Size

39 KB




Stuff to do: - Eventually tab out the rest of the instruments (Never happening, except for probably the celesta) - finish the ending. only have the build up. - correct any mistakes. - CORRECTIONS ARE WELCOME! THEY ARE, SO SEND ME YOUR TAKE, UPDATES ETC TO ME (black_mage6 AT hotmail DOT com) The tempo is also faster than the album version (album version is probably 150~ish while live it's 160). I followed some of the tabs off UG. Contrary to what the tabs tell you, the song is played WITHOUT a capo. Mostly ended up sounding wrong to a degree and ended up tabbing most of it by ear. I'm no expert, but this is a little more in tune with the actual song. I hope so anyways.