Rock your Socks

by Tenacious D

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 9:43 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Tenacious D

Song Author

Jack Black & Kyle Gass

Tabbed by

Thomas Turner


1st → Kyle Gass
2nd → Distortion Guitar
3rd → Jack Black
4th → Steve McDonald
5th → Studio FX
6th → David Grohl/Alfredo Ortiz

File Size

32 KB




Intro: [David Grohl:] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-6-6! Verse Two: Now I know what a lot of you are sayin': "I just figured out what I'm gonna do with the rest of my days. I'm gonna get me an oversized guitar, gain forty pounds and be the next D. " Well I got sour news for you, jack. It ain't that easy. For instance, are you willing to make the commitment to wakin' up at the crack a' noon, for deep-knee rock squats!? Seven or eight at a time!? In a row? How 'bout are you willing to make the commitment to rock-hard tasty abs washer-board style? Glistening in the sun. How 'bout are you willin' to make the commitment, wakin' up, goin' okay, it's gig time, what t-shirt am I gonna wear? Can't decide: Can't decide: Brain aneurysm! We've been through so much bullshit just to be here tonight to rock your fuckin' socks off. And all we ask in return is so precious little. All we're askin' you to do is drop trou and squeeze out a Cleveland Steamer on my chest.


This is the first Guitar Pro tab of Rock Your Socks on the internet. The lead acoustic track is pretty accurate but other tracks were improvised. This song is a difficult one to tab but I tried my hardest to do it and I hope you like the results. Please, if you can fix any faults in this - in the distortion guitar and studio FX especially - do, and share the file.