
by System Of A Down

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:26 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Lonely Day EP

Song Author


Tabbed by

Tabbed by Glowinghamster45


1st → Other Daron w/distortion
2nd → Daron
3rd → Daron w/distortion
4th → Shavo
5th → John
6th → Daron vocals
7th → Serj

File Size

50 KB




I'm a-lo-one sit-ting with my bro-ken glass My four walls fo-low ne through my past I was on a pa-ris train I e-merged in lon-don rain and you wai-ting there swim-ming through ap-pol-o-gie-es I re-mem-ber sear-ching for the per-fect words I was hop-ing you might change your mind I re-mem-ber a sol-dier stan-ding next to me ri-ding on the met-ro-o-o I was smi-ling as you took my hand saw the moon we spoke in france you were past the shal-low words years have passed and still the hurt you were past the shal-low words years have passed and still the hurt I can see you now smi-ling as i pulled a-wa-y so-rry I re-mem-ber the le-ter wrin-kled in my hand "Ill love you al-ways" filled my eyes I re-mem-ber the night we walked a-long the Seine ri-ding on the met-ro-o-o (random babbling) Creepy growling I re-mem-ber a fee-ling com-ing ov-er me then the sol-dier turned and walked a-way fuck you for lov-ing me ri-ding on the me-tro-o-o


NO REPRODUCTION OF THIS TAB IN ANY WAY IS ALLOWD WITHOUT PERMISSION - that and there are actually 3 different versions that soad has recorded, i picked to do the lonely day EP one because it is probably the most well known one and it sounds the best to me. the other two are about the same just the quality of the recording is pretty bad. The riffs are all about the same no matter which one you listen to it they just put some parts in different places