Robot Pirates

by Songs To Wear Pants To

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:38 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

2010 - Amarok87


1st → Voiceia 2
2nd → Basscia 3
3rd → Guitara 1
4th → Drumsssioni

File Size

47 KB




Yo ho ho and a bo-ttle of RAM We have ro-bot fun-ctions. But we have pirate du-ties. For in-stance: we're a-ble to re-boot. And we search for boo-ty. We ware eye pat-ches and are feared by the mass-es. I have a par-rot sit-ting on my ti-ta-ni-um chas-sis. That's why you'll hear him say, "Pol-ly wa-nna cra-cker". She's powe-red by a mi-ni-a-ture nu-cle-ar re-ac-tor. She helps to de-fend our ship from a-ny at-ta-ckers. Com-pu-ter ha-ckers! We are the ro-bot pi-rates. We are made of me-tal from our heads to our pri-vates. We are the ro-bot pi-rates. Ro-bots are good and pi-rates are good, We do all the things that a ro-b-ot should, We al-so do the things that a pi-rate should. My leg mal-func-tioned so I got one made of wood. Shake it shake shake it, Shake it shake shake it, Shake it shake shake it, Shake it like a sword with a dead guy on it. Shake it shake shake it, Shake it shake shake it, Shake it shake shake it, Shake it like a sword with a dead guy on it. We are the ro-bot pi-rates, We are made of me-tal from our heads to our pri-vates. We are the ro-bot pi-rates, In-stead of a chest, trea-sure goes in me-mory banks. If you try to shut me down I will make you walk the plank. I can cut peo-ple o-pen and I don't have to try. And I got a sweet te-le-scope built into my eye. Oh I have to in-dulge when the la-di-es be-ckon. Watch me mop the poop de-ck in e-le-ven se-conds. I can drop the an-chor 'cuz I know how to work it. We can't touch the wa-ter because it makes us short cir-cuit. WE ARE THE RO-BOT P-IRATES.


By Poseidon!