Te Enojai Por todo

by Sinergia

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:03 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Guitaruitar
2nd → Keyboards - 1
3rd → Bass
4th → Drums

File Size

19 KB




Al buscar por internet solo encontr� una tablatura para esta canci�n, y adem�s de no contener todas las partes, s�lo ten�a la guitarra. Adem�s, en internet no hay tablaturas de bajo, bater�a, teclados, etc. de esta canci�n, por los que decid� hacer la tablatura yo. Tambi�n not� la afinaci�n distinta, lo que la tablatura anterior no ten�a. Esta es la primera tablatura que hago. Espero que sirva. - - - Searching on the web, I found only one tab of this song, but that tab only had the guitar parts, and it wasn't complete. Also, on the web there aren�t tabs for the drums, bass guitar, keyboards, etc. of this song, so I decided to make the tab myself. I also noticed that the tuning was different, and this wasn�t in the other tab. This is the first tab that I make. I hope it's good.