Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:30 a.m.
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Song Author
Tim McIlrath
File Size
659 KB
I'm call-i-ing out, on-ly ech-oes re-spond
But I scream 'til my voice is gone
Crouch-ing in cor-ners and hi-ding your face
I'm sick and ti-red of play-ing your games
I'm not a-lone
I stand a-mongst the voice-less mill-ions in the un-for-giv-ing sun
Here arm in arm we pa-rade these streets
And sing our songs.
Is there e-ven an-y-thing left to ex-plain?
Am i real-ly some-one you need to re-strain?
Can't you lis-ten to what we have to say?
Un-know-ing, we lie and wait for the rain
To wash a-way what they have made
Face down in the dirt with your foot on my back
In the dis-tance I hear thun-der-crack
C'-mon, stand up!
This sys-tem of po-wer and priv-ilege is a-bout to come to an end
Here come the clouds
The first drop is fal-ling down
Is there e-ven an-y-thing left to ex-plain?
Am i real-ly some-one you need to re-strain?
Can't you lis-ten to what we have to say?
Our fu-tures burn in red ho-ri-zons
Ash-es scat-tered in winds of change
Cas-ual-ty num-bers are ris-ing
No-ow it's time to raise the stakes
We're meant for some-thing more than
Liv-ing just to put food on our plates
I can't help but won-der why-y should we par-ti-ci-pate?
Is there e-ven an-y-thing left to ex-plain?
Am i real-ly some-one you need to re-strain?
Can't you lis-ten to what we have to say?
Suff-er-ing from some-thing we're not su-ure of
In a world there is no cu-ure for
These lives we live test neg-a-tive for hap-pi-ness
Flat line, no pulse, but eyes o-pen
Sin-gle file like sol-diers on a mi-is-sion
If theres no war out-side our heads
Why are we lo-o-sing?
I don't ask for much
Truth be told I'd set-tle
for a life less frigh-te-ning, a life less frigh-te-ning
I don't ask for much
Truth be told I'd set-tle
for a life less frigh-te-ning, a life less frigh-te-ning
Hang me out to dry I'm soa-king
With the sins of kno-ow-ing
What's gone wrong but do-ing noth-ing I still run
Time a-gain I have found my-self stut-ter-ing
Found-a-tions pulled out from un-der me
This breath is was-ted on them all
Will some-one an-swer me?
I don't ask for much
Truth be told I'd set-tle
for a life less frigh-te-ning, a life less frigh-te-ning
I don't ask for much
Truth be told I'd set-tle
for a life less frigh-te-ning, a life less frigh-te-ning
Is there a God to-o-night?
Up in the sky or is it emp-ty-y just like me?
A place where we can hi-ide out from the-e night
Where you a-are all I see
So blow a kiss good-by-eye, clo-ose your ey-eyes
Tell me-e what you see
A life that's set i-in-side this dream of mine
Where you a-are all I see
I don't ask for mu-uch
Truth be told I'd set-tle
for a life less frigh-te-ning, a life less frigh-te-ning
I don't ask for much
Truth be told I'd set-tle
for a life less frigh-te-ning, a life less frigh-te-ning
One last thing I beg you please, just be-fore you go
I've watched you fly on pa-per wings half way round the world
un-til they burned up in the at-mos-phere , sent you spiral-ing down
Lan-ding some-where far from here with no one else a-round
To catch you fal-ling down
And I'm loo-king at you now
And I can't tell if you're laugh-ing
Be-tween each smile there's a tear in your eye
There's a train lea-ving town in an ho-o-ur
It's not wai-ting for you and nei-ther am I
Swing for the fen-ces son, he must have told you once
That was a con-ver-sa-tion you took no-thing from
So raise your glass now and ce-le-brate ex-act-ly what you've done
Just put off a-no-ther day of know-ing where you're from
You can catch up with your-self
if you run
And I can't tell if you're laugh-ing
Be-tween each smile there's a tear in your eye
There's a train lea-ving town in an ho-o-ur
It's not wai-ting for you and nei-ther am I
Is this the life that you lead
Or the life that's led for you?
Will you take the road thats been laid out be-fore you
Will we cross paths some-whe-ere el-se to-night?
And I can't tell if you're laugh-ing
Be-tween each smile there's a tear in your eye
There's a train lea-ving town in an ho-o-ur
It's not wai-ting for you and nei-ther am I
And I can't tell if you're laugh-ing
Be-tween each smile there's a tear in your eye
There's a train lea-ving town in an ho-o-ur
It's not wai-ting for you and nei-ther am I
This place rings with ech-oes of
Lives once lived, but now are lost
Times spent won-der-ing a-bout to-mo-or-row
I don't care, if we lose it all to-night
Up in flames, burn-ing bright
Warm-ing the air of the wo-o-orld
"I don't lo-ove you a-a-ny-more", is all
I re-mem-ber you tell-ing me, ne-ev-er ha-ave I felt so co-o-old
But I've no-o more blood to bleed
'cause my heart has been drainin-g in-to the sea
Steps I take in your foot-steps
Are get-ting me clo-ser to what is left
Of the dre-eams of what I once claimed to know
With-in my bones this re-so-nates
Boil-ing blood will cir-cu-late
Could you tell me a-gain what you did this for?
"I don't lo-ove you a-a-ny-more", is all
I re-mem-ber you tell-ing me, ne-ev-er ha-ave I felt so co-o-old
But I've no-o more blood to bleed
'cause my heart has been drainin-g in-to the sea
Well still I wait with a hope in-side of me
So still I wait un-til a-gain we meet, un-til a-gain we meet
With-in my bones this re-so-nates
Boil-ing blood will cir-cu-late
Could you tell me a-gain what you did this for?
"I don't lo-ove you a-a-ny-more", is all
I re-mem-ber you tell-ing me, ne-ev-er ha-ave I felt so co-o-old
But I've no-o more blood to bleed
'cause my heart has been drainin-g in-to the sea
So look in my eyes, what will you leave be-hind once you've gone?
you got what you came for now I think it's time to move o-on
but these gho-osts come a-live like wa-ter and wine
walk through these streets sing-ing songs and car-ry-ing signs,
to them these streets be-lo-ong
And my a-tone-ment lasts the best part of e-tern-i-ty
ran out of hands to count the sin that breeds in-side of me
not this ha-ate but the lone-li-i-ness has left me he-ere in-to this mess of
My hands are soak-ing in the blood of a-an-ge-els
on bro-ken wings, they col-lapse
dark clouds ex-plod-ed and tor-rents of ra-ain fell
all these lost ha-los wash a-wa-ay
Head hung from shame we bear a weight that brings me to a crawl
these years of long-ing tell of de-cades of un-an-swered calls
for a cha-ange, cause eve-ry-day we slip and fall
kicked while were down, our fists clenched in-to a ball
My hands are soak-ing in the blood of a-an-ge-els
on bro-ken wings, they col-lapse
dark clouds ex-plod-ed and tor-rents of ra-ain fell
all these lost ha-los wash a-wa-ay
So look in my eyes, what will you leave be-hind once you've gone?
you got what you came for now I think it's time to move o-on
but these gho-osts come a-live like wa-ter and wine
walk through these streets sing-ing songs and car-ry-ing signs,
to them these streets be-lo-ong
So look in my eyes, what will you leave be-hind once you've gone?
you got what you came for now I think it's time to move o-on
but these gho-osts come a-live like wa-ter and wine
walk through these streets sing-ing songs and car-ry-ing signs,
to them these streets be-lo-ong
Are we so a-lone,
So dis-tant,
So for-got-ten,
As we think our-selves to be?
These are our lifes
But did they e-ver e-ven mat-ter?
Are we worth re-mem-be-er-ing?
These ma-chines feed on the tears of bro-ken lifes and dy-ing dre-eams
We�re throw-ing wren-ches in the gears
Our lifes will not be lived in va-ain
When this is all said a-and done
We spent this life on the-e run
Judged by the com-pa-ny we keep
Our lang-uage, bu-ried i-in-side
These lungs that keep us a-a-live
We breathe so sel-fish-ly
Pro-mi-ses we plan to break
Are made in whis-pered voi-ces
Cause our de-spair knows ma-ny names
We make mis-takes
But we a-pol-o-gize with ro-ses we ne-ver stop to smell on the way
These ma-chines feed on the tears of bro-ken lifes and dy-ing dre-eams
We�re throw-ing wren-ches in the gears
Our lifes will not be lived in va-ain
When this is all said a-and done
We spent this life on the-e run
Judged by the com-pa-ny we keep
Our lang-uage, bu-ried i-in-side
These lungs that keep us a-a-live
We breathe so sel-fish-ly
We fell from the sky to-day
We melt in-to ba-alls of clay
We sell our-selves ev-e-ry da-ay
Do-on�t te-ell me how to li-ive thi-is way
Pushed so far to the edge
We tee-ter just on the brink
You can lead me to the blood-bath
But you can�t make me drink
As these ma-chines feed on the tears of bro-ken lifes and dy-ing dreams
We�re throw-ing wren-ches in the gears
Our lifes will not be lived in vain
My life will not be lived in vain
We've been al-right up un-til now
But the air that we breathe is a-bout to run out
We've re-hearsed our lines clear and loud
But the cue ne-ver came and the lights,
They ne-ver went down
So we're pass-ing the time
While time pa-sses us
The fast lane's a term ne-ver ap-plied to us
Not a dime to my name
Or a prayer in the world
I walk out the door
Dest-i-na-a-tion: an-y-where but here
A-way from you!
Now I'm on my-y way to the o-ther side
I'll for-get eve-ry-thing I left be-hind
These emp-ty-y ro-oms
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
And so I dropped out of my own race
A race with no fi-nish line,
No first or last place
These fa-ces all rush ri-ight past me
I turn and walk a-way
'Cause we final-ly know now what our time here's a-bout,
We were not meant to be
An-o-ther face in the crowd
We're a fo-rest of lives
And we grow tall and wide
We'll ne-ver be cut down
Dest-i-na-a-tion: an-y-where but here
A-way from you!
Now I'm on my-y way to the o-ther side
I'll for-get eve-ry-thing I left be-hind
These emp-ty-y ro-oms
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
I'm so-o ti-i-red and turned a-round and scared
And I'm ly-y-ing in emp-ty beds a-gain
I'll wait for you to come
To your sen-ses, barbed wire fen-ces
Won't keep me from break-ing through
I swear I will to you
Now I'm on my-y way to the o-ther side
I'll for-get eve-ry-thing I left be-hind
These emp-ty-y ro-oms
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
Are st-ill filled wi-ith you-ou
I'm so-o ti-i-red and turned a-round and scared
And I'm ly-y-ing in emp-ty beds a-gain
A-way from you