Remains of Summer Memories
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:57 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
The Unraveling
Song Author
Tim McIlrath
File Size
34 KB
All these days
I'll for-ev-er che-rish
in the con-fines of my heart
the fa-ces of ten years a-go
like fin-ger-prints on my heart.
And how can I breathe
when fear chokes my ev-ry-y breath?
And how can I ba-lance
six in-ches from death?
Now the mo-men-tum we've cre-a-ted
comes to a screech-ing halt.
And this an-gel comes cras-hing down;
on her hands and knees she crawls.
And how can I breathe
when fear chokes my ev-ry-y breath?
And how ma-ny of your lies
will I be fed?
The re-mains of sum-mer me-mor-ies
spent so far a-a-way.
Free from the fear or jea-lou-sy
that plagues our lives to-day.
Now that pro-mi-ses were bro-ken
e-ne-mies we-re made,
we spend our pre-cious time poin-ting fin-gers
try-ing to place the blame.
The re-mains of what's left
of our past, of a fu-ture yet to come
of the bat-tles that we've lost,
and the fights that we have won.