
by Rise Against

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:43 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Appeal to Reason

Song Author

Tim McIlrath

File Size

109 KB




All we are is en-ter-tain-ment Caught up in our own de-range-ment Tell us what to say and what to-o do All we are are pret-ty fa-ces Pic-ture per-fect bot-tled rage Pack-aged synth-e-sized ver-sions o-of you We�ve all made pet-ty for-tunes but we can�t af-ford a life Con-fined to pull-out quotes and ho-te-el rooms They all scream Ca-li-for-nia and it�s top-pel-ing em-pire But can't you see the end is com-ing soon Hey! Come one, come all the new sen-sa-tion Gua-ran-tees then ob-li-ga-tions Spot-lights fol-low eve-ry sin-gl-e move Bas-king he-ere on ten foot sta-ges Pou-ty lips and oh so ja-ded All as if we have some-thing to-o prove Des-pite these pet-ty for-tunes we still can't af-ford a life Con-fined to pull-out quotes and ho-te-el rooms They all scream Ca-li-for-nia and its top-pel-ing em-pire But can't you see the end is here And if we cared a-at all a-bout this un-known plight Then we'd do some-thing mo-ore to final-ly ma-ake this right We've all made pet-ty for-tunes but we can't af-ford a life Con-fined to pull-out quotes and ho-te-el rooms They all scream blood-y mur-der o-ver graves al-rea-dy dug But can't you see the end