3 Day Weekend

by Rise Against

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 2:44 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Unraveling

Song Author

Tim McIlrath

Tabbed by



1st → Tim McIlrath - Vocals
2nd → Mr. Precision - Guitar Two
3rd → Mr. Precision - Guitar
4th → Brandon Barnes - Drums
5th → Joe Principe - Bass

File Size

32 KB




Well a-side from the name that holds us to-ge-ther now I think we'd fall a-a-part it's the years we'll pre-tend we've for-got-ten that se-pa-rate o-ur hearts. And I don't re-mem-ber! The way this was but the pict-ures prove I knew you once! And where is the source! of our mis-ta-kes? I'm a-fraid one day we'll drift so far we'll wake up not kno-wing where we-e are. But these words ac-com-plish no-thing if I'm gone.