Edge of Living
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:43 p.m.
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Do you need a change? Like a new pair of ru-nning shoes
To make a quick es-cape be-fore this place fuc-king kills you
We're all hy-po-crites and half-assed li-ars
Lon-ely freaks with hearts on fi-re
They burn so bright we have to hide be-hind our dai-ly lies
'Cause you toss and turn e-very night,
You made it thru the day but some-thing just ain't right
As you try to ba-lance on the edge of li-ving
Right and wrong blur to grey
You start the day with no-thing good to say
Ne-ver thought you be this way
So scared of gro-wing old
Friend ho-ld on
Do you need a break?
Slow down this ma-nic pace
Smash a fuc-king plate
It'-ll make you feel much bet-ter.
From these shi-tty jobs and mod-el hou-ses
Bro-ken bones and o-ver-do-ses
The fact that we sur-vive at all is kind of a sur-prise-e-e
'Cause you toss and turn e-very night,
You made it thru the day but some-thing just ain't right
As you try to ba-lance on the edge of li-ving
Right and wrong blur to grey
You start the day with no-thing good to say
Ne-ver thought you'd be this way
So scared of gro-wing scared of gro-wing scared of gro-wing
Old friend ho-ld on
If no-thing than to this song
Old friend st-ay strong
Take what you need and move on
Old friend ho-ld on
If no-thing than to this song
Old friend st-ay strong
Take what you need and move on