Regular John

by Queens of the Stone Age

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 12:05 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Queens of the Stone Age (EP)

Song Author

Joshua Homme

Tabbed by

Static Mouse, DJ Tone EZ


1st → Joshua Homme - Vocals
2nd → Dave Catching - Lead Guitar
3rd → Joshua Homme - Rhythm Guitar
4th → Alfredo Hernandez - Percussion
5th → Nick Oliveri - Bass Guitar

File Size

80 KB




Who are yo-u, girl? And who are yo-u, boy? Bet I know What you're u-p to And can I come a-long? You're home Num-ber's on the wall I just had to call I had to I'm not the on-ly one Who will run with a kni-fe O-pen up your ey-es O-pen up your ro-om O-pen up your ar-ms Yeah One six two Se-ven eight Two six three Se-ven eight ni-ne Where's your da-ddy now? I heard he ran a-wa-y Who are yo-u, girl? Cause I'm so bored with my-self A-ny-way A-ny time and a-ny place I'll just hang a-roun-d O-pen up your ey-es O-pen up your ro-om O-pen up your ar-ms Yeah One six two Se-ven eight Two six three Se-ven eight ni-ne O-pen up your ey-es O-pen up your ro-om O-pen up your ar-ms O-pen up your do-or O-pen up your ey-es O-pen up your ro-om O-pen up your ar-ms Yeah


kicks ass. almost 100%.