Dead on time

by Queen

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:11 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Brian May

Tabbed by

Mat�as "Chubaca" Serafini


1st → Guitarra 1
2nd → Guitarra 3
3rd → Guitarra 2
4th → Guitarra 5
5th → Guitarra 4
6th → Bater�a
7th → Bajo
8th → Coros
9th → Voz

File Size

65 KB




Fool al-way's jump-ing ne-ver hap-py where you la--nd fool got my bus-iness make your li-ving where you ca--n hur-ry down the high-way hur-ry down the road hur-ry past the peo-ple star-ing hur-ry hur-ry hur-ry hur-ry Leave on time leave on time ne-ver got your tick-et but you leave on ti--me leave on time leave on time gon-na get your tick-et but you leave on ti-me leave on time leave on time put it in your pock-et but you nev-er can tell Leave on ti-me leave on ti-me shake that rat-tle gon-na leave on time leave on ti-me leave on ti-me fought your bat-tle but you leave on time leave on ti-me leave on ti-me ne-ver got a mi-nute no you ne-ver got a mi-nute no you ne-ver ne-ver got Fool got no busi-ness hang-ing round and tel-ling li--es fool you got no rea-sons but you got no com-pro-mi--se stam-ping on the cei-ling hammer-ing on the walls got-ta get out got-ta get out got-ta get oh you know i'm go-ing cra-zy Leave on time leave on time got-ta get a-head but you leave on ti---me leave on time leave on time got-ta head on a-head but you leave on time leave on time leave on time you're run-ning in the red but you ne-ver can tell Oh oh oh oh Oh hey hey hey hey uh hon-ey hon-ey where's my mon-ey where's my mo-ney wan-na get+a-way wan-na get+a-way lea-ve ya lea-ve ya lea-ve ya leave on ti-me leave on ti-me got-ta get rich but you leave on time leave on ti-me leave on ti-me but you can't take it with you when you leave on time leave on ti-me leave on ti-me got-ta keep your-self a-live got-ta leve on time got-ta leave on time leave on time dead on time
