The Wall
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:41 p.m.
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So ya, thought ya, might like to go to the show. To feel the warm thrill of con-fu-sion; that space ca-det glow. Tell me, is some-thing e-lud-ing you sun-shine? Is this not what you ex-pect-ed to see? If you want to find out what's be-hind these cold eyes, you'll just have to claw your way through this dis-guise.--
Ma-ma loves her ba-by, and dad-dy loves you too, and the sea may look warm to you babe, and the sky may look blue... Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, babe, ooh, ooh, ooh, ba-by blue. ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, babe. If you shoulg go skat-ing on the thin ice of mo-dern life. Drag-ging on be-hind you, the si-lent re-proach of a mil-lion tear stained eyes--, Don't be sur-prised qhen a crack in the ice ap-pears un-der your feet. Yous slip out of your depth and out of your mind, with your fear flow-ing out be-hind yous as you claw the thin ice.
Dad-dy's flown a-cross the o-cean, leav-ing just a mem-o-ry. The snap-shot in the fam-'ly al-bum. Dad-dy what esle did you leave for me? Dad-dy, what d'ya leave be-hind for me? All in all it was just a brick in the wall. All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.
When we grew up and went to school There were cer-tain teachers who would Hurt the child-ren by an-y way they could.
By pour-ing their de-ri-sion Up-on an-y-thing we did, ex-pos-ing ev-'ry weak-ness How-ev-er care-ful-ly hid-den by the kids. But in the town it was well known When they got home at night their fat and Psy-cho-path-ic wives would thrash them With in inch-es of their lives Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
We don't need no ed-u-ca-tion We dont need no thought con-trol No dark sar-casm- in the class-room Teach-ers leave them kids a-lone Hey! Teach-ers! Leave them kids a-lone!
All in all it's just an-oth-er brick in the wall.
All in all you're just an-oth-er brick in the wall.
We don't need no ed-u-ca-tion We dont need no thought con-trol No dark sar-casm- in the class-room Teach-ers leave them kids a-lone Hey! Teach-ers! Leave them kids a-lone!
All in all it's just an-oth-er brick in the wall.
All in all you're just an-oth-er brick in the wall.
This is the first part of the first disc (i divided it because
there is too many instruments). More to come