You do something to me

by Paul Weller

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:11 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Stanley Road

Song Author

Paul Weller

Tabbed by

Lazy Bastard @ Work


1st → Weller Piano Right
2nd → Craddock Firebird
3rd → Weller Piano Left
4th → Minchella Bass
5th → Weller Vocals
6th → Ÿ�DZ�

File Size

35 KB




You do some-thing to me- something deep in-side- I'm hang-ing on the wi-re- for a love I'll nev-er find- You do some-thing won-der-ful- then chase it all a-way- mix-ing my e-mo-tions that throws me back- a-gain Hanging on the wi-re yeah- I'm wait-ing for the change- I'm danc-ing through the fi-re just to catch a flame and feel real a-gain--


Craddock uses mostly the whammy bar at the end of the long sustains to achieve the vibrato.