
by Pantera

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:20 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Vulgar Display of Power

Song Author


Tabbed by

Giancarlo Santos


1st → Track 1
2nd → Sp�r 3
3rd → Track 2
4th → Percussion
5th → Track 4

File Size

73 KB




One of my favorite songs of all time. Truly a masterpiece of PanterA's. Off of VDoP it helps elevate the awesomeness of that album. Almost a perfect blend of mellow and heavy riffage in this track. Have some fuckin' fun, you fuck... Only thing probably off at some points is the tempo, but you can adjust that to the track yourself if you listen to it enough. The fastest riff in this song is not hard at all, just varied. .|.. ('o') ..|. *I actually made this awhile back. Completion was motivated by the crap I saw people submit in mysongbook.com. You want an accurate tab? Here it is bitches. GS