Let Me Down

by No Use For A Name

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v4.06  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:18 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Hard Rock Bottom

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Vocals
2nd → Lead Guitar
3rd → Acoustic Guitar
4th → Bass 4
5th → Rythm Guitar
6th → Drumsssion
7th → Violin

File Size

33 KB




She's ne-ver a-lone Be-cause she's scared of what she might say to her-self Al-ways drink-ing in the back-room of the bar Where ev-ery-one turns in A half-heart-ed grin She wont be a-fraid As long as that pre-scrip-tion keeps on go-ing through And all the hap-py pills make her look like A card-board cut out of some-one I used to learn from But on the phone She's tel-ling ev-ery-one That there was a blue sky she left be-hind And there's a place That no one knows a-bout A-way from in-te-gri-ty She writes a book in her head that no-bo-dy will read What-ev-er you say Please don't talk a-bout the time when she was young Ap-par-en-tly that was a diffe-rent per-son and So long a-go it's strange to me There's no his-to-ry But there's a past And she's tel-ling ev-ery-one It must be a gar-den that would-n't grow With roots of shame Too sen-si-tive to blame Her-self as we watch her drown I can't save the queen with-out a king-dom or a crown Some-where in this lone-ly game of sym-path-y There is a sel-fish dream That makes me sick Stand-ing on the high-wire while you're on the ground To you what is dan-ge-rous Is safe and sound You let me down