
by Nightwish

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:13 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Guitar 1/2
2nd → Orchestra 4
3rd → Guitar 3/4
4th → Vocal
5th → Vocal 3
6th → Vocal 2
7th → Keyboard 1
8th → Choir
9th → Orchestra
10th → Keyboard 2
11th → Orchestra 3
12th → Orchestra 2

File Size

188 KB




It was the night be-fore When all through the world No words no dreams Then one day A wri-ter by a fire I-ma-gined all of Ga-ia Took a jour-ney in-to a child-less heart A pain-ter on the shore I-ma-gined all the world Wi-thin the snow-flake on his palm A dream of po-et-ry I'll tell is o-ver Cut-ting in Fal-ling back in to the stars I am the voice of ne-ver ne-ver land The in-no-cence of dreams from e-very man I am the em-pty grave of Pe-ter Pan A soa-ring kite a-gainst the blue blue sky E-very chim-ney, e-very moon-lit sight I am the sto-ry that will read you real E-very me-mo-ry that you hold dear I am the jour-ney I am the des-ti-na-tion I am the whole mad tale That grieves you A-way to taste the night Free and loose we fly Fol-ow the mad-ness How do you know what's real I-ma-gi-na-ri-um a dream em-po-ri-um Ca-ress the tales And they will read you real A sto-ry-tel-ler's game In-side he flicks the gate The cal-ling heart Is a li-mit-less chest of tales I am the voice of ne-ver ne-ver land The in-no-cence of dreams from e-very man I am the em-pty grave of Pe-ter Pan A soa-ring kite a-gainst the blue blue sky E-very chim-ney, e-very moon-lit sight I am the sto-ry that will read you real E-very me-mo-ry that you hold dear I am the voice of ne-ver ne-ver land The in-no-cence of dreams from e-very man Sear-ching hea-vens for a-no-ther earth I am the voice of ne-ver ne-ver land The in-no-cence of dreams from e-very man I am the em-pty grave of Pe-ter Pan A soa-ring kite a-gainst the blue blue sky E-very chim-ney, e-very moon-lit sight I am the sto-ry that will read you real E-very me-mo-ry that you hold dear I am the voice of ne-ver ne-ver land The in-no-cence of dreams from e-very man I am the em-pty grave of Pe-ter Pan A soa-ring kite a-gainst the blue blue sky E-very chim-ney, e-very moon-lit sight I am the sto-ry that will read you real E-very me-mo-ry that you hold dear

Notice For Guitar Pro 5.0 version. Run with RSE. If your version of GP without RSE set guitar and bass tracks volume to 9.