
by Nightwish

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 12:51 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Dark Passion Play

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Emppu
2nd → Marco
3rd → Emppu 2
4th → Tuomas
5th → Jukka
6th → Tuomas 3
7th → Tuomas 2
8th → Anette
9th → Effects

File Size

89 KB




A ba llad of dark queen e choes through night As he flees the curse of gods, the pha raoh`s wrath One thou sand one nights un seen The phi lo so pher and the queen An cient ma ri ner in a sea of sand The bur ning beau ty his tomb to die for One thou sand one nights un seen The phi lo so pher and the queen Hea ven has a dar kened face Du nes are soa ring, as on a chase Ca ra van of the cursed Chas ing him a cross the wa ves May he now rest un der ae gis of mi rage As the sands slow ly turn to E ly sian fields One thou sand one nights un seen The phi lo so pher and the queen One thou sand one nights un seen The phi lo so pher and the queen