
by Muse

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:03 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Black Holes and Revelations

Song Author

Matthew Bellamy

Tabbed by

Oliver Warren


1st → Clapping
2nd → Matthew Bellamy (Voice)
3rd → Matthew Bellamy (Piano)
4th → Matthew Bellamy (Guitar)
5th → Chris Wolstenholme (Bass)
6th → Chris Wolstenholme (Voice)
7th → Dom Howard
8th → Chris Wolstenholme (Effect)
9th → Arpeggios Two
10th → Arpeggios

File Size

84 KB




Far a-way, The ship is ta-king me, Far a-way Far a-way from all the mem-or-ies of the peo-ple who care if I live or die Sta-r-light I will be chas-ing a sta-r-light 'til the end of m-y l-i-fe I don't know if it's worth i-t a-ny more And hold you i-n m-y arms I just wan-ted t-o hold you i-n m-y arm-s M-y life you el-ect-ri-fy m-y life let's con-spi-re t-o i-g-nite all the cells that would die just to feel a-live I'-ll ne-ver let you g-o if you pro-mise not to fade a-w-a-y ne-ver fade a-w-ay Our hopes and ex-pect-a-t-ion-s Black Holes and rev-el-a-t-ion-s Our hopes and ex-pect-a-t-ion-s Black Holes and rev-el-a-tions And hold you i-n m-y arms I just wan-ted t-o hold you i-n m-y arm-s Far a-way, The ship is ta-king me, Far a-way Far a-way from all the mem-or-ies of the peo-ple who care if I live or die I'-ll ne-ver let you g-o if you pro-mise not to fade a-w-a-y ne-ver fade a-w-ay Our hopes and ex-pect-a-t-ion-s Black Holes and rev-el-a-t-ion-s Our hopes and ex-pect-a-t-ion-s Black Holes and rev-el-a-tions And hold you i-n m-y arms I just wan-ted t-o hold you i-n m-y arms