Space Dementia

by Muse

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:55 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Origin Of Symmetry

Song Author

Matthew Bellamy

Tabbed by



1st → Matt Voice
2nd → Guitar Overlap
3rd → Matt Guitar
4th → Matt Piano (Intro LH)
5th → Piano RH Intro
6th → Synth
7th → Chris
8th → Dom

File Size

78 KB




its fucking akward tabbing piano on a fretboard, so throughout the verse, the higher notes spill onto the RH column, whereas most of it is in the left hand column, sorry but its too difficult to squeeze onto the one fretboard :P theres 88 keys for goodness sake! p.s all the mad effects at the end cannot be replicated by guitar pro, so i didnt bother trying