Paper Thin Walls
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:19 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
The Moon & Antarctica
Song Author
Isaac Brock
File Size
42 KB
These walls are pa-per thin and e-very-one hears e-very lit-tle sound. E-very-one's a voy-eur, it's them wat-ching me watch them watch me right now. They're sha-kin hands they're sha-kin in their shoes oh lord don't shake me down. E-very-one wants two of them and half of e-very-one else who's a-round. It's been a-greed the whole world stinks so no one's ta-king show-ers a-ny-more. Laugh ha-rd it's a long ways to the bank. I can't be blamed for no-thin a-ny-more. It's been a long time since you've been a-round. Laugh hard it's a long ways to the bank. Tow the line to tax the time you know, that you do-n't owe. I can't be a fool for e-very-one that I do-n't know. These walls are pa-per thin and e-very-one hears e-very lit-tle sound. E-very-one's a voy-eur, it's them wat-ching me watch them watch me right now. They're sha-kin hands they're sha-kin in their shoes oh lord don't shake me down. E-very-one wants two of them and half of e-very-one else who's a-round. It's been a-greed the whole world stinks so no one's ta-king show-ers a-ny-more. Laugh ha-rd it's a long ways to the bank. Tow the line to tax the time you know, that you do-n't owe. I can't be a fool for e-very-one that I do-n't know.