Edit the Sad Parts
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Interstate 8
Song Author
Isaac Brock
File Size
87 KB
Some-times all I real-ly want to feel is lo-ve, some-times i'm an-gry that I feel so an-gry. Some-times my fee-lings get in the way of what I real-ly feel I need-ed to say-ay. If you stand in a cir-cle, then you'll all have a back to bite. Back-logged books on the se-ven won-ders, we're all so fun-ny but it's lost it's joke. Now, all com-mu-ni-ca-tion's but a one-lined joke. From stand up co-mics to rock mu-si-cians, ma-king so much noise you don't know when to lis-ten. Why are you jud-ging peo-ple so damn ha-rd, you're ta-king your point of views a bit too fa-r. I made my shoes shine with my coal, but the po-lish di-dn't shine the ho-le. If you stand in a cir-cle, then you'll all have a back to bite. Back-logged books on the se-ven won-ders, we're all so fun-ny but he's lost his joke. Now, all com-mu-ni-ca-tion's but a one-lined jokes. From stand up co-mics to rock mu-si-cians, ma-king so much noise you don't know when to lis-ten. Think it o-ver; there's the air in the height of the high ro-ol-lers. Cut it a-gainst ya'.