Ebb And Flow (Acoustic Version)
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.05
| Posted on Jan. 21, 2016, 12:46 p.m.
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I've been meaning to learn this song on guitar for a while but I could never be bothered seeming there were no tabs available.
So after months of putting it off, I decided to learn it and tab it as well. Wasnt to difficult seeming that the entire song re
volves around the structure of the original metal version.
This is the best I could get out of it. It's not 100% correct,
but it's fairly right. Also, I did the best I could to add in vocals. Thought it may help, so there you go. But yeah; for those
of you trying to learn it, good luck and enjoy. :D
(Take note that it's in DROPPED C. Also, just look out for little instruct
ions throughout the song. There's not many, but they help)