Damage, Inc.

by Metallica

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:57 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Master Of Puppets

Song Author

James Hetfield

File Size

132 KB




Deal-ing out the ag-o-ny with-in Charg-ing hard and no one's gon-na give in Liv-ing on your knees, Con-form-i-ty or Dy-ing on your feet for hon-es-ty In-bred, our bod-ies work as one Blood-y but nev-er cry sub-miss-on Fol-ow-ing our in-stinct, not a trend Go a-gainst the grain un-til the end. Blood will fol-low blood Dy-ing time is here Da-mage in-cor-po-ra-ted Slamm-ing thru don't fuck with ra-zor back Step-ping out, you'll feel our hell on your back Blood fol-lows blood and we make sure Life ain't for you and were the cu-re Hon-es-ty is my on-ly ex-cuse Try to rob us of it, but it's no use Steam-roll-er act-ion crush-ing all Vic-tim is your name and you shall fa-ll. Blood will fol-low blood Dy-ing time is here Da-mage in-cor-po-ra-ted We chew and spit you out We laugh you, scream and shout All flee, with fear you run You'll know just were we come from Dam-age inc-or-po-ra-ted Go! Dam-age jack-als rip-ing right through you Sight and smell of this, it gets me go-ing Know just how to get what we just want Tear it from your soul in night-ly hu-nt Fuck it all and fuck-ing no re-grets Ne-ver hap-py end-ings on these dark sets All's fair for Dam-age inc. you see Step a lit-tle clo-ser if you plea-se Blood will fol-low blood Dy-ing time is here Da-mage in-cor-po-ra-ted


Metallica - Master of Puppets - Damage inc. - 1986 Lyrics: Dealing out the agony within Charging hard and no ones gonna give in Living on your knees, conformity Or dying on your feet for honesty Inbred, our bodies work as one Bloody, but never cry submission Following our instinct not a trend Go against the grain until the end [chorus:] Blood will follow blood Dying time is here Damage incorporated [end chorus] Slamming through, dont fuck with razorback Stepping out? youll feel our hell on your back Blood follows blood and we make sure Life aint for you and were the cure Honesty is my only excuse Try to rob us of it, but its no use Steamroller action crushing all Victim is your name and you shall fall [chorus] We chew and spit you out We laugh, you scream and shout All flee, with fear you run Youll know just where we come from Damage incorporated Damage jackals ripping right through you Sight and smell of this, it gets me goin Know just how to get just what we want Tear it from your soul in nightly hunt Fuck it all and fucking no regrets Never happy ending on these dark sets Alls fair for damage inc. you see Step a little closer if you please [chorus].