
by Metallica

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:52 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Kill `Em All

Song Author

Ian Jones, Brian Smith and James Sirotto

File Size

90 KB




Let us have peace, let us have life. Let us es-cape the cru-el night. Let us have time, let the sun shine. Let us be-ware the dead-ly sign. The day is com-ing. Ar-ma-ged-don's near. In-fer-no com-ing. Can we sur-vive the blitz-krieg? The blitz-krieg. The blitz-krieg. Save us from fate, save us from hate. Save our-selves be-fore it's too late. Come to our need, hear out plea. Save our-selves be-fore the earth bleeds. The day is dawn-ing. The time is near. Al-i-ens com-ing. Can we sur-vive the blitz-krieg? Ha ha.