Heaven Can Wait
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:16 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Bat Out Of Hell
Song Author
Jim Steinman
File Size
48 KB
Hea ven can wait _ and a band of _ an gels wrapped up in my heart
Will take me thru _ the _ lone ly night
Thru the cold of the day _ and I know _ I know
Hea ven can wait _ and all the gods come down _ here just to sing for me
And the me lo _ dy's _ gon na make me fly
With out pain _ with out fear
Give me all of yer _ dreams _ _ and _ let me go _ a long on yer way
Give me all of yer _ pra yers to sing and I'll turn the night _ in to the skyl ight of day
I got a taste of pa ra _ dise I'm nev er gon na let it _ slip a way _
I got a taste of pa _ ra dise it's all I real ly need _ to make me stay _
Just like a child _ a gain
Hea ven can wait _ and all I got is _ time un til _ the end of time _
Well I won't look back _ I won't look back
Let the _ al _ _ tar _ shine _
And I know that I've been _ _ re leased but I don't know _ to where
No bo dy's gon na tell _ _ me now and I don't real _ ly care _ No no no
I got a taste of pa ra dise that's all _ I real ly need _ to make me stay _ _
I got a taste of pa _ _ ra dise if I had it a ny soo ner you know _
You know I ne ver would have run a _ way _ from _ my home _
Hea ven can wait and all I got is _ time un til _ the end of time _
Well I won't look back _ I won't look back
Let the al _ tars _ shine
Hea ven can wait _ Why!
Hea ven can wait _ _
Well I won't look back
I won't look back _
Let the al _ _ tar _ shine
Let the al tars shine
It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located
throughout. The song is 99% accurate with only the
tempo in a few places needing tinkering as it changes
drastically so much. It is also imperative to keep the
Master Reverb that you see to your right where it is, as
this makes it sound best. This was checked for
accuracy by playing along with the real track song!