Strange Days
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:01 a.m.
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Beautiful midnight
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59 KB
Good mor-ning don't cop out you crawled from the can-cer to land on your feet are you cra-zy to want this e-ven for a while we're ma-king this shit up the rea-sons for being are ea-sy to pay you can't re-mem-ber the o-thers they just kin-da went a-way so you're dri-vin' its rush hour the cars on the free-way are mo-ving like slugs and you dri-ft off to wake up do you al-ways hit the bra-kes and we're done ly-ing for a li-ving strange days have come and you're gone you're gone you're dead or dy-ing dead or try-ing to go do do do its eve-ning you're ti-red you sleep walk a ro-bot out to the s-treet are you cra-zy to want this e-ven for a while you're dri-ving its rush hour the cars on the free-way are mo-ving back-wards in-to a wall of fire back-wards in-to a wall of fire BACK-WARDS IN-TO A WALL OF FIRE BACK and we're done ly-ing for a li-ving strange days have come and you're gone you're go-o-o-ne and we're done ly-ing for a li-ving strange days have come and you're gone you're go-o-ne you're dead or dy-ing dead or tr-ying to go do-do-do to go do-do-do good mor-ning don't cop out do-do-do
Tis but a cover.