The Space
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:24 p.m.
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On top of the world like a flag on the moun-tain
Fee-ling so high you can feel so a-lone
Un-a-ble to breathe at the high that you flew
Sta-ring at clouds with no view of be-low
On top of the girl like a dream in the ho-tel
Fal-ling to-wards some-thing out of con-trol
Un-a-ble to miss like the man in the tram
Cra-shing your car in Am-ster-dam
He did it with-out kno-wing
He did-n't feel a thing
He just wracked it and kept go-ing
The space a-round the stars
is some-thing that you know
A bill-ion miles of dark-ness
left you fee-ling low
The space a-round the stars
is some-thing that you know
Eve-ry-thing a-bout you
So per-fect-ly res-trained
But eve-ry-thing in-side you
Bites you
Eve-ry-bo-dy in the whole of the world
Feels the same in-side
Eve-ry-bo-dy in the whole of the whole of the whole of the wor-ld
Eve-ry-one is on-ly eve-ry-one else
Eve-ry-bo-dy's got to know
Eve-ry-bo-dy lives and loves and laughs and cries and eats and sleeps and grows and dies
Eve-ry-bo-dy in the whole of the world
Feels the same in-side
Eve-ry-bo-dy in the whole of the whole of the whole of the wor-ld
Eve-ry-bo-dy's on-ly eve-ry-one else
Eve-ry-bo-dy's got to know
Eve-ry-bo-dy lives and loves and laughs and cries and eats and sleeps and grows and dies
Eve-ry-bo-dy in the whole of the world
In the whole of the world
In the whole of the world
Eve-ry-bo-dy is the same this time
Is the same in-side
In the whole of the world