
by Kenny Rogers

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:22 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



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In a bar in to-le-do a-cross from the de-pot On a bar-stool she took off her ring I thought Id get closer So I walked on over I sat down and asked her name When the drinks fina-lly hit her She said Im no quit-ter But I fina-lly quit liv-ing on dreams Im hung-ry for laugh-ter And here e-ver af-ter Im af-ter what-e-ver the o-ther life brings In the mir-ror I saw him And I clos-ely watched him I thought how he looked out of place He came to the wo-man He sat their be-side me He had a strange look on his face Now his big hands were call-oused He looked like a mount-ain For a min-ute I thought I was dead But he start-ed shak-ing His big heart was break-ing And he turned to the wo-man and said Y'+picked a fine time to leave me, Lu-cille With four hun-gry child-ren and crops in the fields Ive had some bad times Lived thru some sad times This time your hurt-in wont heal Y'picked+a fine time to leave me, Lu-cille Af-ter he left us, I ord-ered more whis-key I thought how she'd made him look small From the lights of the bar room to a rent-ed hot-el room We walked with-out talk-ing at all Now she was a beaut-y, but when she came to me She must have thought I'd lost my mind 'Cause I could-nt hold her, the words that he told her Kept com-ing back time aft-er time. Y'+picked a fine time to leave me, Lu-cille With four hun-gry child-ren and crops in the fields Ive had some bad times Lived thru some sad times This time your hurt-in wont heal Y'picked+a fine time to leave me, Lu-cille


This was written for my wife whose learning to play bass. Therefore it's not a perfect transcription or anything. The only reason I uploaded it was because there were no other Guitar Pro versions out there. The guitar strum isn't right because I couldn't work out how to do it in this program. It's also in the key of C major (I think the original is in A) because it matches my voice range better. This was written for my wife whose learning to play bass. Therefore it's not a perfect transcription or anything. The only reason I uploaded it was because there were no other Guitar Pro versions out there. The guitar strum isn't right because I couldn't work out how to do it in this program. It's also in the key of C major (I think the original is in A) because it matches my voice range better. This was written for my wife whose learning to play bass. Therefore it's not a perfect transcription or anything. The only reason I uploaded it was because there were no other Guitar Pro versions out there. The guitar strum isn't right because I couldn't work out how to do it in this program. It's also in the key of C major (I think the original is in A) because it matches my voice range better. This was written for my wife whose learning to play bass. Therefore it's not a perfect transcription or anything. The only reason I uploaded it was because there were no other Guitar Pro versions out there. The guitar strum isn't right because I couldn't work out how to do it in this program. It's also in the key of C major (I think the original is in A) because it matches my voice range better. This was written for my wife whose learning to play bass. Therefore it's not a perfect transcription or anything. The only reason I uploaded it was because there were no other Guitar Pro versions out there. The guitar strum isn't right because I couldn't work out how to do it in this program. It's also in the key of C major (I think the original is in A) because it matches my voice range better. This was written for my wife whose learning to play bass. Therefore it's not a perfect transcription or anything. The only reason I uploaded it was because there were no other Guitar Pro versions out there. The guitar strum isn't right because I couldn't work out how to do it in this program. It's also in the key of C major (I think the original is in A) because it matches my voice range better.