
by Judas Priest

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:29 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Stained Class

Song Author

K.K. Downing / Rob Halford

Tabbed by

All Instruments Transcribed By: Ashley Dalby


1st → Vocals: Rob
2nd → Guitar: Glenn
3rd → Guitar: K.K.
4th → Drums: Les
5th → Bass: Ian

File Size

77 KB




Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Who gives you the right to come here and tell me I have to leave this place, my home? To you it's a jun gle, to me it's a king dom where my peo ple are free there to roam _ _ _ Born with the stars, we are hap py and peace ful; till now we were left un dis turbed. But you rup ture the fo rests, our gar dens and fill them with filth form your cit ies un heard _ _ _ Sav age? Who is sav age? Leave your mor als, stake your claim! Sav-age? You are sav age! Mod ern man can take the blame You poi son my tribe with civ il ized pro gress, bap tiz ing our blood with dis ease. You chris ten our bod ies with sad-ness and suf fer ing, say ing then that your god is well pleased _ _ _ What have we done to de serve such in jus tice? Ex plain to us please if you can. But you can't, no you can't, we can see it in your eyes. Of us both, who's the prim i tive man? _ _ _ Sav age? Who is sav age? Leave your mor als, stake your claim! Sav age? You are sav age! Mod ern man can take the blame. You poi son my tribe with civ il ized pro gress, bap tiz ing our blood with dis ease. You chris tened our bod ies with sad ness and suf f'ring, say ing then that your god is well pleased. What have we done to de-serve such in jus tice? Ex plain to us please if you can. But you can't, no you can't, we can see it in your eyes. Of us both, who's the prim i tive man? Sav age! Sav age! Sav age! Sav age! Who's the sav age? Mod ern man. Who's the sav age? Mod-ern man.


It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located throughout. The song is mostly complete except a brief tempo tinkering at transition as well as some of the fills by Les. Tinker with it, if you want, as you see fit. It is also imperative to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right where it is, as this makes it sound best. This was checked for accuracy by playing along with the real track song!