Still Alive
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:43 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Jonathan Coulton
File Size
49 KB
This was a tri-umph
I'm mak-ing a note here
huge suc-cess
it's hard to o-ver-state
my sat-is-fac-tion
ap-ert-ure Sci-ence
we do what we must
bec-ause we can
for the good of all of us
ex-cept the ones who are dead
but there's no sense cry-ing
o-ver ev-ery mis-take.
you just keep on try-ing
'til you run out of cake.
and the sci-ence gets done
and you make a neat gun
for the peo-ple who are
still al-ive.
I'm not e-ven an-gry
I'm be-ing so sin-cere right now
e-ven though you broke my heart
and killed me
and tore me to pie-ces
and threw ev-ery piece in-to a fire
as they burned it hurt be-cause
I was so ha-ppy for you
now these points of da-ta
make a beau-ti-ful line
and we're out of be-ta
we're re-leas-ing on time
so I'm glad I got burned
think of all the things we learned
for the peo-ple who are
still a-live.
go ahead and leave me.
I think i pre-fer to stay in-side
may-be you'll find some-one else
to help you.
may-be Black Me-sa
that was a joke
ha ha, fat chance
an-y-way this cake is great
it's so de-li-cious and moist
look at me still tal-king
when there's sci-ence to do
when i look out there
it makes me glad I'm not you
I've ex-peri-ments to run
there is re-search to be done
on the peo-ple who are
still al-ive
and be-live me I am still a-live
I'm do-ing science and I'm still a-live
I feel fan-tast-ic and I'm still a-live
while you're dy-ing I'll be still a-live
and when you're dead I will be still a-live
still a-live
still a-live