Different world
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:11 p.m.
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A matter of life and death
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You lead me on the path keep sho-wing me the way
I feel a li-ttle lost
A li-ttle strange to-day
I think I'll take a hold
Ofwhat-e-ver comes my way
Then we'll see what ha-ppens
Take it day by day
I thought i had it all
I had it all worked out
Just what my fu-ture held
That there would be no doubt
But then the card me up
And I took a-no-ther turn
But I don't know if it's
Ful-fil-ment that I yearn
Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
E-very-bo-dy has a di-fferent way
To view the world
I would like you to know
When you see the sim-ple things
To a-ppre-cia-te this life
It's not too late to learn
Don't want to be here
Some-where I'd ra-ther be
But when I get there
I might find it's not for me
Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
E-very-bo-dy has a di-fferent way
To view the world
I would like you to know
When you see the sim-ple things
To a-ppre-cia-te this life
It's not too late to learn
Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
E-very-bo-dy has a di-fferent way
To view the world
I would like you to know
When you see the sim-ple things
To a-ppre-cia-te this life
It's not too late to learn
Don't want to be here
Some-where I'd ra-ther be
But when I get there
I might find it's not for me
Don't know what I want
Or where I want to be
I'mfee-ling more confu-sed
The mo-re the days go by
I put the letter in this song, it's a really modification in
this tab