Strangers Of The Heart
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:21 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Bad Animals
Song Author
Duane Hitchins, Mark Andes & Sue Shifrin
File Size
58 KB
Thru the mist on the har _ bor dan cing lights on the wa _ ter
Sha dows move I see you smil ing a gain when I reach out to touch _ _ _ you
Like a ghost look ing thru _ me sen ding chills deep in to me
Shat tered dreams fall ing like tear drops a gain _ as you make me re mem _ _ _ ber
Stran gers of the heart al ways safe with words _ _ un _ spo _ _ _ ken
Stran gers of the heart don't take chan ces they'll _ _ get bro _ _ ken
No mat ter where _ _ you are hear me to night
I don't want to be stran gers at heart _
Bro ken glass of my mir _ ror makes my eyes see much clear er
You and I on ly a whis per a way _ nev er tell ing each oth _ _ _ er
Stran gers of the heart al ways safe with words _ _ un _ spo _ _ _ ken
Stran gers of the heart don't take chan ces they'll _ _ get bro _ _ ken
No mat ter where _ _ you are hear me to night
I don't want to be stran gers at heart _
Stran gers of the heart al ways safe with words _ _ un _ spo _ _ _ ken
Stran gers of the heart don't take chan ces they'll _ _ get bro _ _ ken
No mat ter where _ _ you are hear me to night
I don't want to be stran gers at heart _
It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located
throughout. The song is accurate. It is also imperative
to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right
where it is, as this makes it sound best. This was
checked for accuracy by playing along with the real
track song!