Countdown to Insanity

by H-Blockx

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on April 16, 2010, 9:25 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Open Letter to a Friend

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Lead Guitar
2nd → Bass
3rd → Rhythm Guitar
4th → Organ
5th → Drums
6th → Voice

File Size

52 KB




Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) This is a count down I'm plan ning to leave I'm hea ding out of this town I'm sick of the beef Been won dring to long Be fore it gets bad I'm pack ing my mem o ries It's time to move on groose on May be in the wrong dir ect ion Ba by I'll be a hands on the stee ring wheel It's too late it's to fake But i've got no thing to lose Check me no heh And I've got no thing to prove One chance to stay a live But I can har dly breathe Count down to in san i ty Good bye re a li ty Let's GO Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) If your pro blems are home born It's time to cut back Turn off your cell phone Come join in the pack Get out of your mad rou tine A change has to come Life is a soli t aire So you've got to move on groose on May be in the wrong dir ect ion Ba by you'll be a hands on the stee ring wheel It's too late it's to fake But i've got no thing to lose Check me no heh And I've got no thing to prove One chance to stay a live But I can har dly breathe Count down to in san i ty Good bye re a li ty Let's GO Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) It's too late it's to fake But i've got no thing to lose Check me no heh And I've got no thing to prove One chance to stay a live But I can har dly breathe Count down to in san i ty Good bye re a li ty Let's GO Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh) Heh (heh) hoh (hoh)