Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:26 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
21st Century Breakdown
Song Author
Billie Joe Armstrong
File Size
130 KB
One, Two, Three, Four
Well, I've got a fe-ver, a non-be-liev-er. I'm in a state of grace. For I am the Cae-sar. I'm gon-na seize the day.___ Well call of the ban-shee hey hey, hey hey hey hey hey. As God as my wit-ness, the in-fi-dels are gon-na pay.__ Well, call the as-sas-sin, the or-gasm,_ a spa-sm of love and hate. For what will di-vide us? The right-eous and the meek._ Well, call of the wild,_ hey hey, hey hey hey hey hey. Well, death to the girl at the end of the ser-e-nade._
Ven-det-ta sweet ven-det-ta, this Ber-et-ta of the night.____ This fire.__ and the de-si-re Well, shots ring-ing out on the ho-ly par-a-site.__
Well, I am a kill-joy from De-troit, I drink from a well of rage. I feed off the weak-ness with all my love.___ Well, call up the cap-tain, hey hey, hey hey hey hey hey. Well death to the lov-er that you were dream-ing of.______ Well, this is a stand-off, a Mol-o-tov cock-tail's on the house. You thought I was a write off, you bet-ter think a-gain.___ Well, call the peace-mak-er. hey hey, hey hey hey hey hey. I'm gon-na send you back to the place where it all be-gan.__
Ven-det-ta sweet ven-det-ta, this Ber-et-ta of the night.____ This fire.__ and the de-si-re Well, shots ring-ing out on the ho-ly par-a-site.__
Well, now the care-tak-ers, the un-der-tak-er, saw I'm gon-na go out and get a peace-mak-er. This is a ne-o Saint Val-en-tines mas-sa-cre._ Well, call up the Ga-za, hey hey, hey hey hey hey hey, Well, death to the ones at the end of the se-ren-ade._ Well, death to the ones at the end of the se-ren-ade._ Well, death to the ones at the end of the se-ren-ade._ Well, death to the ones at the end of the se-re-nade._