
by Green Day

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:30 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Green Day

Tabbed by


1st → Vocals (Down 1/2 Step)
2nd → Guitar 1 (Standard)
3rd → Backup Vocals (Down 1/2 Step)
4th → Guitar 2 (Down 1/2 Step)
5th → Guitar 1 (Down 1/2 Step)
6th → Bass (Standard)
7th → Guitar 3 (Down 1/2 Step)
8th → Drums
9th → Bass (Down 1/2 Step)

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882 KB




[Burnout] I de-clare I don't care no more I'm burn-ing up and out and grow-ing bored In my smoked out bor- ing room My hair is shag-ging in my eyes Drag-ing my feet to hit the street to-night To drive a-long these shit town lights I'm not grow-ing up I'm just burn- ing out And I stepped in line to walk a-mongst the dead Oh a-pa-thy has rained on me And now I'm feel-ing like a sog-gy dream So close to drown-ing but I don't mind I've lived in-side this men-tal cave Throw my e-mo-tions in the grave Hell who needs them a-ny- way I'm not grow-ing up I'm just burn- ing out And I stepped in line to walk a-mongst the dead I'm not grow-ing up I'm just burn- ing out And I stepped in line to walk a-mongst the dead Dead (Dead) I'm not grow-ing up I'm just burn- ing out And I stepped in line to walk a-mongst the dead I'm not grow-ing up I'm just burn- ing out And I stepped in line to walk a-mongst the dead Dead [Having A Blast] I'm tak-ing all you down with me Ex-plo-sives duct taped to my spine Noth-ing's gon-na change my mind I won't lis-ten to an-y-one's last words There's noth-ing left for you to say Soon you'll be dead an-y- way Well no one here is get-ting out a-live This time I've real-ly lost my mind And I don't care So close your eyes and kiss your- self good-bye And think a-bout the times you've spent And what they've meant To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing I'm los-ing all my happ-i- ness The happ-i-ness you pinned on me My lone-li-ness still com-forts me My an-ger dwells in- side of me I'm tak-ing it all out on you And all the shit you put me through Well no one here is get-ting out a-live This time I've real-ly lost my mind And I don't care So close your eyes and kiss your- self good-bye And think a-bout the times you've spent And what they've meant To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing Do you ev-er think back To an-oth-er time Does it bring you so down that you thought you lost your mind Do you ev-er want to lead a long trail of de-struc-tion And mow down an-y bull-shit that con-fronts you Do you ev-er build up all the small things in your head To make one prob-lem that adds up to noth-ing To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing To me it's noth-ing [Chump] I don't know you but I think I hate you You're the rea-son for my mis-er-y Strange how you've be-come my big-gest en-e- my And I've nev-er ev-en seen your face Well may-be it's just jeal-ous-y Mix-ing up with a vio-lent mind A cir-cum-stance that does-n't make much sense Or may- be I'm just dumb You're the cloud hang-ing out ov-er my head Hail comes crash-ing down welt-ing my face Mag-ic man e-go-cen-tric plas-tic man Yet you still got one ov-er on me Well may-be it's just jeal-ous-y Mix-ing up with a vio-lent mind A cir-cum-stance that does-n't make much sense Or may- be I'm just dumb I'm a chump [Longview] I sit a-round and watch the tube but noth-ing's on I change the chan- nels for an hour or two Twid-dle my thumbs just for a bit I'm sick of all the same old shit In a house with un-locked doors And I'm fuck-ing la- zy Bite my lip and close my eyes Take me a-way to par- a-dise I'm so damn bored I'm go- ing blind And I smell like shit Peel me off this vel-cro seat and get me mov- ing I sure as hell can't do it by my- self I'm feel- ing like a dog in heat Barred in-doors from the sum-mer street I locked the door to my own cell And I lost the key Bite my lip and close my eyes Take me a-way to par- a-dise I'm so damn bored I'm go- ing blind And I smell like shit I got no mo-ti-va-tion Where is my mo-ti-va-tion No time for my mo-ti-va-tion Smok-ing my in-spir-a-tion I sit a-round and watch the phone but no one's call- ing Call me pa-the- tic call me what you will My mo- ther says to get a job But she don't like the one she's got When mast-ur-ba- tion lost its fun You're fuck-ing lone-ly Bite my lip and close my eyes Take me a-way to par-a-dise I'm so damn bored I'm go- ing blind And lone-li- ness has to suf-fice Bite my lip and close my eyes Slip-ping a-way to par-a-dise Some say quit or I'll go blind But it's just a myth [Welcome To Paradise] Dear moth-er can you hear me whin- ing It's been three whole weeks since that I have left your home This sud-den fear has left me trem- blin' Cause now it seems that I am out here on my own And I'm feel-ing so a-lone Pay at-ten-tion to the cracked streets and the bro-ken homes Some call it slums some call it nice I want to take you through a waste land I like to call my home Wel-come to par-a-dise A gun-shot rings out at the sta- tion A-noth-er ur-chin snaps and left dead on his own It makes me won- der why I'm still here For some strange rea- son it's now feel-ing like my home And I'm nev-er gon-na go Pay at-ten-tion to the cracked streets and the bro-ken homes Some call it slums some call it nice I want to take you through a waste land I like to call my home Wel-come to par-a-dise Dear moth-er can you hear me laugh- in' It's been six whole months since that I have left your home It makes me won- der why I'm still here For some strange rea- son it's now feel-ing like my home And I'm nev-er gon-na go Pay at-ten-tion to the cracked streets and the bro-ken homes Some call it slums some call it nice I want to take you through a waste land I like to call my home Wel-come to par-a-dise Oh par-a-dise [Pulling Teeth] I'm all bus-ted up Bro-ken bones and nas-ty cuts Ac- ci-dents will hap-pen But this time I can't get up She comes to check on me Mak-ing sure I'm on my knees Af-ter all she's the one Who put me in this state Is she ul-tra vio-lent Is she dis-turbed I bet-ter tell her that I love her Be-fore she does it all O-ver a-gain Oh God she's kill- ing me For now I'll lie a- round Hell that's all I can real-ly do She takes good care of me Just keep say- ing my love is true Is she ul-tra vio-lent Is she dis-turbed I bet-ter tell her that I love her Be-fore she does it all O-ver a-gain Oh God she's kill- ing me Look- ing out my win- dow for some-one that's pass-ing by No one knows I'm locked in here All I do is cry For now I'll lie a- round Hell that's all I can real-ly do She takes good care of me Just keep say- ing my love is true [Basket Case] Do you have the time To list-en to me whine A- bout noth-ing and ev-'ry-thing all at once I am one of those Mel-o-dra-mat-ic fools Neu-rot-ic to the bone no doubt a-bout it Some-times I give my-self the creeps Some-times my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps add-ing up I think I'm crack-ing up Am I just par-a-noid Am I just stoned I went to a shrink To an-a-lyze my dreams She says it's lack of sex that's bring-ing me down I went to a whore He said my life's a bore So quit my whin-ing cause it's bring-ing her down Some-times I give my-self the creeps Some-times my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps add-ing up I think I'm crack-ing up Am I just par-a-noid Yeah yeah yeah Oh oh Grasp- ing to con-trol So I bet-ter hold on Some-times I give my-self the creeps Some-times my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps add-ing up I think I'm crack-ing up Am I just par-a-noid Am I just stoned [She] She she screams in si- lence A sul-len ri-ot pen-e-trat-ing through her mind Wait- ing for a sign To smash the si-lence with the brick of self con-trol Are you locked up in a world That's been planned out for you Are you feel-ing like a so-cial tool with-out a use Scream at me Un-til my ears bleed I'm tak-ing heed Just for you She she's fig-ured out All her doubts were some-one else's- point of view Wak-ing up this time To smash the si-lence with the brick of self con-trol Are you locked up in a world That's been planned out for you Are you feel-ing like a so-cial tool with-out a use Scream at me Un-til my ears bleed I'm tak-ing heed Just for you Are you locked up in a world That's been planned out for you Are you feel-ing like a so-cial tool with-out a use Scream at me Un-til my ears bleed I'm tak-ing heed Just for you [Sassafras Roots] Roam-ing 'round your house wast-ing your time No ob-li-ga-tion just wast-ing your time So why are you a-lone wast-ing your time When you can be with me wast-ing your time Well I'm a waste like you With noth-ing else to do May I waste your time too Ward-ing off re-grets wast-ing your time Smo- king ci-ga-rettes wast-ing your time I'm just a pa-ra-site wast-ing your time A-pply-ing my-self to wast-ing your time Well I'm a waste like you With noth-ing else to do May I waste your time too So why are you a-lone wast-ing your time When you could be with me wast-ing your time Well I'm a waste like you With noth-ing else to do May I waste your time too May I waste your time too May I waste your time too May I waste your time too [When I Come Around] I heard you cry-in loud All the way- a-cross town You've been search- ing for that some- one And it's me out on the prowl As you sit a-round feel-ing sor-ry for your self Well don't get lone-ly now And dry your whin-ing eyes I'm just roam- ing for the mo- ment sleaz-ing my back yard So don't get so up-tight You been think-ing a-bout ditch-ing me No time to search the world a- round Cause you know where I'll be found When I come a-round I heard it all be-fore So don't knock down my door I'm a lo- ser and a us- er so I don't need no a-ccu-ser To try and slag me down be-cause I know you're right So go do what you like Make sure you do it wise You may find out that your self doubt means noth-ing was ev-er there You can't go forc-ing some-thing if it's just not right No time to search the world a- round Cause you know where I'll be found When I come a-round Oh No time to search the world a- round Cause you know where I'll be found When I come a-round Oh when I come a-round Oh when I come a-round When I come a-round [Coming Clean] Sev-en-teen and strung out on con- fu- sion Trapped in-side a roll of dis-il- lu- sion I found out what it takes to be a man Now Mom and Dad will nev-er un-der-stand Se-crets col-lec-ting dust but nev-er for- get Ske-le-tons come to life in my clo- set I found out what it takes to be a man Now Mom and Dad will nev-er un-der-stand What's hap-pen- ing to me Sev-en-teen and com-ing clean for the first time I fin-ally fig-ured out my- self for the first time I found out what it takes to be a man Now Mom and Dad will nev-er un-der-stand What's hap-pen- ing to me [Emenius Sleepus] I saw my friend the oth-er day And I don't know Ex-act-ly just what he be-came It does-n't show It was-n't long a-go That I was just like you And now I think I'm sick And I want to go home How have I been how have you been It's been so long What have you done with all your time And what went wrong I knew you back when And you you knew me And now I think you're sick And I wan-na go home An-y-bod-y ev-er say no Ev-er tell you that you were-n't right Where did all the lit-tle kids go Did you lose it in a hate-ful fight And you know it's true Was-n't long a-go That I was just like you And now I think I'm sick And I want to go home [In The End] All brawn and no brains and- All those nice things Yeah you fi-nal-ly got what you want Some-one to look good with And light your cig-a-rette Is this what you real-ly want I fig-ured out What you're all a-bout And I don't think I like what I see So I hope I won't be there in the end If you come a-round How long will he last be-fore He's a creep in the past And you're a-lone once a-gain Will you pop up a-gain And be my spe-cial friend 'Til the end and when will that be I fig-ured out What you're all a-bout And I don't think I like what I see So I hope I won't be there in the end If you come a-round Hey I fig-ured out What you're all a-bout And I don't think I like what I see So I hope I won't be there in the end If you come a-round [F.O.D.] Some-thing's on my mind It's been for quite some time This time I'm on to you So where's the oth-er face The face I heard be-fore Your head trip's bor- ing me Let's nuke the bridge we torched two thou- sand times be-fore This time we'll blast it all to hell I've had this burn-ing in my guts now for so long My bel-ly's ach-ing now to say Stuck down in a rut Of dis-log-ic and smut A side of you well hid When it's all said and done It's real and it's been fun But was it all real fun Let's nuke the bridge we torched two thou- sand times be-fore This time we'll blast it all to hell I've had this burn-ing in my guts now for so long My bel-ly's ach-ing now to say To say You're just a fuck I can't ex-plain it cause I think you suck I'm tak-ing pride In tell-ing you to fuck off and die I've had this burn-ing in my guts now for so long My bel-ly's ach-ing now to say I'm tak-ing plea-sure in the doubts I've passed to you So lis-ten up as you bite this You're just a fuck I can't ex-plain it cause I think you suck I'm tak-ing pride In tell-ing you to fuck off and die Good-night [All By Myself] I was a-lone I was all by my-self No one was look-ing I was think-in' of you Oh yeah did I men-tion I was all by my-self All by my-self All by my-self All by my-self I went to your house But no one was there I went in your room I was all by my-self You and me had Such won-der-ful times When I'm all by my-self All by my-self