
by Gamma Ray

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:08 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


No World Order

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Vocals
2nd → Rhythm Guitar
3rd → Lead Guitar
4th → Bass
5th → Echoes/ Add guitar
6th → Drums

File Size

97 KB




Leaving the pla-net, we 're com-ing to burn Fight for the na-tion, we know there will be no re-turn In-ter-stell-ar-i-an, galac-ti-cal wars Now we are fee-ling we got no We got no re-morse Stell-ar-i-an fight-ers are rea-dy to strike The a-li-en vess-els are bur-ning to-night So glo-ri-ous we'll fly like the ea-gle in the sky-e And I know it's gon-na be vic-to-ry We're so-lid erasing the a-lien planet We're so-lid erasing the aaaa The a-lien ty-rants will knock at your door They come for a reason and they will be co-ming for more No con-ver-sat-i-on, agree-ments to make Eyes that are glea-ming are twist-ing and sea-ling your fate Now it's the time for us all to strike back All sys-tems pre-pare for the fi-nal a-ttack So glo-ri-ous we'll fly like the ea-gle in the sky-e And I know it's gon-na be vic-to-ry We're so-lid erasing the a-lien planet We're so-lid erasing the aaaa We're so-lid We're so-lid So glo-ri-ous we'll fly like the ea-gle in the sky-e And I know it's go-nna be vic-to-ry We're so-lid erasing the a-lien planet We're so-lid erasing the a-lien We're so-lid aaaa We're so-lid aaaa aa aauu


This tab was originally made by The SwordSoul and supergirl. However, when I picked it up, at first I thought it was perfect, but later started to spot some mistakes/notes missing. So, I did the following: -Added 'echo' guitar -Added lyrics and corrected vocal track on places for lyrics to fit (however, the vocals are still not perfect, but that doesn't matter anyway, guitars matter, right?) - corrected the intro (I'm pretty sure there are 4.25 beats in the first two bars) -corrected verse riff -corrected pre chorus riff -corrected solos a bit, added missing notes, corrected additional guitar -added palm mutes, slides, stacatto etc where I saw fit -the bass and drum lines are almost intact (just edited the first to bars to fit odd measure)