Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:42 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Crystal Empire
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Ram-ses Pha-ra-o
Wise-man Gi-ant in the sky
Ram-ses Pha-ra-o
God of wis-dom King of pa-ra-dise
You�re the king and the priest
Cre-ator of life
Of a na-tion strong and tight
Youre word is the law
All know-ing, all wise
With mer-cy in your eyes
oh oh oh oh oh
The god of de-li-ve-rance sends a sign
oh oh oh oh
The god of de-li-ve-rance
A love that�s stron-ger than hate
A will that�s stron-ger than fate
Cho-sen to rule the land from the nile
Born to sa-cri-fice your life/oh
oh oh oh oh
The god of de-li-ve-rance sends a sign
oh oh oh oh
The god of de-li-ve-rance
Ram-ses Pha-ra-o
Wise-man Gi-ant in the sky
Ram-ses Pha-ra-o
God of wis-dom King of pa-ra-dise
With-out you, we feel a-lone and sad
With-out you, we feel the void in-side/oh
oh oh oh oh
The god of de-li-ve-rance sends a sign
oh oh oh oh
The god of de-li-ve-rance sends a sign _ _ _
Ram-ses Pha-ra-o
Wise-man Gi-ant in the sky
Ram-ses Pha-ra-o
God of wis-dom King of pa-ra-dise
I am the ri-ver, the gi-ver of life
I am the one, your will to sur-vive
I am the sun, the source of light
I am the moon, dia-mond in the night
I am the air, the wind and the breeze
I am the one, the brin-ger of ease
I am the breath of e-ter-ni-ty
I am the hand of des-ti-ny
I am the air, the wind and the breeze
I am the one, the brin-ger of ease
I lead your soul to e-ter-ni-ty
I set your spi-rit free
This is based on haze's tabs.
I just made a complete revision.
It's not 100% perfect. There are some parts in the
background i could not figure out. Feel free to correct
Have fun playing it :)