Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:23 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Foo Fighters
Song Author
Dave Grohl
File Size
119 KB
Stick it to the mail-man,
pinned a-gaint a pot plant.
Sick of all the sun-tan,
oi-ly with the Ray-Ban.
Take that to the bank and call it a check.
Masked with-out a wea-pon.
Skin-ny as a spit pan,
deal-in' with the s**t plan.
Play-in' with my bad hand,
just a-no-ther rock band.
Take that to the bank and call it a check.
Trapped with-in a con-tract.
Hey, there boy,
you were catch-in' the black wi-dow,
the rest of us watch-in' Mel-rose.
I wan-na swim in a wa-ter-shed.
I wan-na lis-ten to Flo-wer-head.
I lost a gal-lon and still I bled.
I keep on thin-king I get a-head.
I'm pissed at all the disc jam.
Pissed a-bout the five-ham.
Pissed a-bout the green state.
I miss it and I can't wait.
Take that to the bank and call it a check.
Trapped with-in a con-tract.
Hey man,
can't you tell it's still a prob-lem?
See you at De-vil's To-wer.
I wan-na swim in a wa-ter-shed.
I wan-na lis-ten to Flo-wer-head.
I lost a gal-lon and still I bled.
I keep on thin-king I get a-head.
I'm pissed at all the disc jam.
Pissed a-bout the five-ham.
Pissed a-bout the green state.
I miss it and I can't wait.