Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:28 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Anywhere But Home
Song Author
Amy Lee
File Size
39 KB
Please, please for-give me
But I won't be home a-gain
May-be some day you'll look up-
And bare-ly con-scious you'll say to no one
Is-n't some-thing miss-ing?
You won't cry for my ab-sence, I know
You for-got me long a-go
Am I that un-im-por-tant?
Am I so in-sig-ni-fi-cant?
Is-n't some-thing miss-ing?
Is-n't some-one miss-ing me?
Ev-en through I'm the sa-cri-fice
You won't try for me not now-
Though I die to know you love me
I'm all al-one-
Is-n't some-one miss-ing me-?
Please, ple-ase for-give me
But I won't be home a-gain
I know what you do to your-self
I breathe deep and cry out-
Is-n't some-thing miss-ing?
Is-n't some-one miss-ing me?
one miss-ing me?
And if I breathe, I'll bleed
Know-ing you don't care
And if I sleep
Just to dream of you
I'll wake with-out you there
Is-n't some-thing miss-ing?
Is-n't some-thing...
Ev-en through I'm the sa-cri-fice
You won't try for me not now-
Though I die to know you love me
I'm all al-one-
Is-n't some-thing miss-ing?
Is-n't some-one miss-ing me-?
This is my version of how it's played live; the tempo is
more lively and there's guitar at the bridge and drums
throughout. The drums are very simple, I know, and I'm
not sure if they're right. I tabbed the guitar out by ear,
so feel free to fix anything. I didn't have time to add the
bells, but I'll get around to it come next version.