Guitar Pro Tab | v4.06
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 9:10 a.m.
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aaah aaah aaah aaah pa-per flo-wers
aaah aaah aaah aaah pa-per flo-wers
I lin-ger in the door-way
Of a-larm clock screa-ming mon-sters call-ing my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whis-per to me
Where the rain-drops as they're fall-ing tell a sto-ry
In my field of pa-per flo-wers
And can-dy clouds of lu-lla-by
I lie in-side my-self for ho-urs
And watch my pur-ple sky fly ov-er me
Don't say I'm out of touch
With this ram-pant cha-os-your re-a-li-ty
I know well what lies be-yond my slee-ping ref-uge
The night-mare I built my own world to e-scape
In my field of pa-per flo-wers
And can-dy clouds of lu-lla-by
I lie in-side my-self for ho-urs
And watch my pur-ple sky fly ov-er me
Swa-llowed up in the sound of my screa-ming
Can-not cease for the fear of si-lent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep drea-ming
The+godd-ess of i-ma-gi-na-ry light
In my field of pa-per flo-wers
And can-dy clouds of lu-lla-by
I lie in-side my-self for ho-urs
And watch my pur-ple sky fly ov-er me
aaah aaah aaah aaah pa-per flo-wers
aaah aaah aaah aaah pa-per flo-wers